31. Concerning their biological
function what is the difference
between mitosis and meiosis?

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The main biological of mitosisis
cellular , a fundamental
process the growth and
of multicellular organisms,
renewing, asexual reproduction, .

The biological function meiosis is
gamete (in gametic meiosis)
spore formation (in meiosis),
i.e., the of cells qualified
sexual reproduction with the
quantity of compared to
the cell.

There is special type of that
happens in of some algae,
and fungi. This ,
called zygotic meiosis,has function
of reducing a half the of
chromosomes of individuals that
will formed from the . In
species with meiosis the adult
are haploid and form
gametes by .These gametes
fuse in with others and a
diploid zygote , then, undergoes
meiosis restitute the normal of
adult individuals.